
I owe everything of me including my form to my parents.

I dedicate this site to my mother, never she was formally educated by sending her to a school or teacher. With her determination she learned to read and write Telugu, Hindi and English too. When you are made by yourself, you may also have acquired some bad facets like pride for your life. The family has to excuse her for that pardonable pride.

My father who never claimed anything in this world materialistic lifestyle, is simple and a karma yogi. He performed all the duties as a man, as a husband, as a father and as friend, and as a philosopher.

He is my father, guru, friend, and philosopher. When I lost him at his 94 years, I felt a vacuum and that vacuum is unfilled to this day and it will be with me until I call it a day.

My salutes and prayers to my parents and I am grateful to them for what all they have given me.

This is a poem dedicating the site and myself to my mother >>