This text is intended to accompany Sanskrit, An Introduction to the Classical Language, by Michael Coulson. Coulson's book provides a complete overview of Sanskrit grammar, along with exercises, vocabulary lists, and answer keys. His explanation of certain features of the language is superior, in my opinion, to that found in other texts. Unfortunately, the book can be heavy-going for the true beginner. Thus, I have focused this Study Guide on essential grammatical information, which I have divided into daily units. Coulson's long vocabulary lists are partitioned here into Memorization Vocabulary, which consists of essential, high-frequency words, and Reading Vocabulary, which need not be memorized but is necessary to complete the exercises. I have also rewritten the Sanskrit-to-English sentences in two ways: first in unbroken Roman type, as they would appear in a typical printed book, and again without sandhi, so that the original forms will be easier to recognize. In some of the longer exercises I have made a selection of sentences.


Readmore : Introduction to Sanskrit