Overview of Upanishads

There is no book in the whole world that is so thrilling, soul-stirring, and inspiring as the Upanishad. The philosophy taught by the Upanishads has been the source of solace for many, both in the East and the West. The human intellect has not been able to conceive of anything more noble and sublime in the history of the world than the teachings of the Upanishads.

The Upanishads contain the essence of the Vedas. They are the concluding portions of the Vedas and are the source of the Vedanta philosophy. Profound, original, lofty, and sublime thoughts arise from every verse. They contain the direct spiritual experiences or revelations of seers, or sages, the rishi. They are the products of the highest wisdom, supreme divine knowledge. Hence they stir the hearts of people and inspire them.

The glory or grandeur of the Upanishads cannot be adequately described in words, because words are finite and language is imperfect. The Upanishads have indeed greatly contributed to the peace and solace of mankind. They are highly elevating and soul-stirring. Millions of aspirants have drawn inspiration and guidance from the Upanishads. They are the cream of the Vedas. They are treasures of incalculable value. They are rich in profound philosophical thought. Their intrinsic value is very great. There is an immense depth of meaning in the passages and verses. The language is beautiful.

The Upanishads give a vivid description of the nature of the Atman, the Supreme Soul, in a variety of ways, and expound suitable methods and aids to attain the Immortal Brahman, the Highest Purusha.

Ages have passed since they were first presented to the world. Even now they are remarkably sweet and charming. Their freshness is unique. Their fragrance is penetrating. Many cannot live today without the study of Upanishads daily. They give supreme food for the soul. It is said that Schopenhauer, the renowned philosopher of the West, had always a book of the Upanishads on his table, and was in the habit, before going to bed, of performing his devotions from its pages. He said,

The Upanishads have undoubtedly exercised and will continue to exercise a considerable influence on the religion and philosophy of India. They present a view of reality that would certainly satisfy the scientific, philosophic, as well as religious aspirations of man.

Origin Of the Upanishads

The Upanishads are metaphysical treatises that are replete with sublime conceptions of Vedanta and with intuitions of universal truths. The Indian Rishis and seers of yore endeavored to grasp the fundamental truths of being. They tried to solve the problems of the origin, nature, and destiny of man and of the universe. They attempted to grasp the meaning and value of knowing and being. They endeavored to find a solution for the problems of the means of life and the world and of the relation of the individual to the ‘Unseen,’ or the Supreme Soul. They sought the earnestly satisfactory solution to these profound questions: Who am I? What is this universe or Samsara? Whence are we born? On what do we rest? Where do we go? Is there any such thing as immortality, freedom, perfection, eternal bliss, everlasting peace, Atman, Brahman, or the Self, Supreme Soul, which is birthless, deathless, changeless, and self-existent? How to attain Brahman or Immortality?

They practiced right living, Tapas, introspection, self-analysis, inquiry, and meditation on the pure, inner Self and attained Self-Realization. Their intuitions of deep truths are subtle and direct. Their inner experiences, which are direct, first-hand, intuitive, and mystical, which no science can impeach, which all philosophies declare as the ultimate goal of their endeavors, are embodied in the sublime books called the Upanishads.

The Upanishads are the knowledge portion, or Jnana-Kanda, of the Vedas. They are eternal. They came out of the mouth of Hiranyagarbha, or Brahman. They existed even before the creation of this world.

The Upanishads are a source of deep mystic divine knowledge which serves as the means of freedom from this formidable Samsara, earthly bondage. They are world scriptures. They appeal to the lovers of religion and truth in all races, and at all times. They contain profound secrets of Vedanta, or Jnana-Yoga, and practical hints and clues which throw much light on the pathway of Self-Realization.

There are four Vedas., Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and atharvaveda. There are as many Upanishads to each Veda as there are Sakha's or branches (subdivisions). there are 21, 109, 1000, and 50 subdivisions to Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva Vedas respectively. Thus there are one thousand and hundred and eighty (1,180) Upanishads.

Know more About Upanishad

Mundakopanishath >>

Shwethashwathara Upanishath >>

Sarvasaropanishath >>

MaandukyaRasayanamu >>

Mahanarayanopanishath >>

Bhavanopanishath >>

Prashnopanishath >>

Taittireeyopanishath >>

TejoBindopanishath >>

Niralambopanishath >>

Guruvakyopanishath >>

Garbhopanishath >>

Kaivalyopanishath >>

KenaUpanishath >>

Katopanishath >>

Katopanishadarya Bhashyamu >>

UpanishathPatamulu >>

Upanishachhandrika-I >>

Upanishachhandrika-II >>

IsavasyaUpanishath >>


IsavasyaUpanishath-III >>
